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OryxAlignOct 18, 20212 min read

Is your application security strong enough?

According to a recent report, an average business has been breached at least twice in the last year. One breach is damaging enough, but a second breach… you don’t need us to tell you the long-lasting effects.

In an interview with 750 security decision makers, it was found that 32% of businesses have suffered from two breaches due to application security. Applications are easily one of the most prevalent attack vectors and has been amplified by remote working. How strong is your application security?


Why is application security important?

1. Applications are, and will continue to be, a key attack vector

During remote working, multiple workforces were accessing data, tools and collaborating using applications over the cloud. Now we’ve entered into the world of hybrid working, the use of these applications hasn’t decreased and are very much relied upon.  And according to Barracuda’s 2021 report, The State of Application Security, 72% of respondents reported at least one security breach from an application vulnerability.

Today’s applications are dispersed over several networks and connected directly to the cloud which only amplifies vulnerabilities to threats and breaches. Although these applications are mission-critical to operate in a digital world, they are still an easy target for attackers, so leaders shouldn’t forget to keep security at the forefront.

It’s worth noting that many businesses implement applications and then worry about finding a way around the applications to build security in. For a robust security posture, leaders should think about implementing applications with built-in security.

2. Bot-based attacks are a growing concern

In Q3 of 2020 alone, bot attacks skyrocketed, accounting for 1.3b attacks being detected. Fast forward to 2021, the threat still remains. Further findings from the report cited bot-based attacks as one of the major application security risks and confirmed that various bot attacks were causing challenges to their businesses when it comes to protecting applications.

Bot challenges are expected to continue and grow over the years, without robust defences, businesses simply won’t be able to keep up and will be breached, not just once, but in some cases again. And by defences, we don’t just mean technologies. With 28% reporting that employee error was a factor in a breach, technologies aren’t enough if employees are making errors and leaving back doors open. This is only going to give attackers chances to exploit these vulnerabilities. Don’t forget to train your staff and make them security aware!

3. Software supply chain attacks are maturing

Software supply chain attacks are emerging threats with the end goal to access source codes and infect applications in order to implement malware. These attacks have added even more complexity to an already evolving threat landscape, and have become hard to defend against, with many bypassing web vulnerability scanning.


Using vulnerability management for stronger application security

Vulnerability management is a fully managed cyber security solution that helps businesses identify, prioritise, remediate and mitigate weaknesses within their IT infrastructure. Businesses can use a vulnerability management provider and their cyber team to stay protected against attackers looking to exploit these weaknesses within applications, software, networks and systems.

In comparison to vulnerability scanning, vulnerability management provides granular visibility across your entire attack surface, constantly working to eliminate any blind spots, and uncover any security holes that are a risk to your business.

If you’re looking for more information on application attacks, contact our cyber security experts today.