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Benefits of Cyber Essentials Plus certification
Graham SmithAug 8, 20243 min read

Benefits of Cyber Essentials Plus certification

Cyber security compliance has become a crucial aspect of business operations in our digital world. As cyber threats grow in frequency and sophistication, organisations must prioritise the protection of their digital assets.

Among the many frameworks available, Cyber Essentials Plus (CE+) stands out as a robust certification designed to safeguard against the most common cyber threats. It's backed by the UK Government, and so far, 140,000* organisations have achieved certification.

Technology is vital in achieving and maintaining this certification, as well as providing the tools and frameworks necessary for compliance.

The importance of Cyber Essentials Plus

Cyber Essentials Plus provides a clear framework for businesses to enhance their cyber security posture. Unlike the basic Cyber Essentials certification, CE+ involves a hands-on technical verification of systems, ensuring that protective measures are not only in place but also practical.

Achieving CE+ certification is not just a compliance exercise but a strategic move that offers multiple benefits.

Enhanced Security: CE+ helps you protect against various cyber threats, including malware, phishing, and hacking attempts.

Increased Trust: Demonstrating compliance can increase customer and partner confidence in your organisation's security practices. Learn more in our article, "New research on how cyber security can win online customers".

Competitive Advantage: Companies with CE+ certification often stand out in competitive markets, particularly when bidding for contracts with cyber security requirements.

The role of technology in achieving compliance

Technology is the backbone of the Cyber Essentials Plus certification process. Technological solutions simplify and enhance each step, from initial assessments to ongoing compliance.

Automated Compliance Management: Tools like compliance management software can automate the tracking and implementation of CE+ requirements. This software often includes features such as task assignment, progress tracking, and automated reminders, ensuring no compliance measure is overlooked.

Endpoint Protection: Endpoint security solutions are essential for safeguarding devices that connect to a network. These tools provide antivirus, anti-malware, and firewall capabilities, critical components of the CE+ certification criteria. According to a 2024 study by IBM**, the average cost of a data breach $4.88 million, underscoring the importance of robust endpoint protection.

Network Monitoring and Intrusion Detection: Real-time monitoring tools help organisations swiftly detect and respond to potential threats. Advanced intrusion detection systems (IDS) can identify unusual network activities, allowing immediate intervention. The 2024 IBM report found the average time to identify and contain a breach is 258 days, highlighting the need for prompt detection and response capabilities. However, that figure is down from 287 days in 2014, demonstrating the success of technological solutions like CE+.

Vulnerability Management: Regular vulnerability assessments are a vital requirement for CE+ certification. Technology aids in identifying, classifying, and addressing vulnerabilities across the IT infrastructure. This proactive approach reduces the risk of exploitation by cyber attackers. For more information, read our article, "12 reasons small firms should check the gaps in their IT".

Data Encryption and Backup: Protecting sensitive data is crucial. Encryption technologies ensure that data is secure at rest and in transit. Additionally, regular data backups, facilitated by cloud solutions, provide a safeguard against data loss due to cyber incidents.

"In the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats, technology is not just a tool but a critical enabler of compliance. It allows organisations to avoid potential risks, meet industry regulations and demonstrates to customers a strong commitment to security."
Dale Shubrook, Technical Account Manager, OryxAlign

Summary of Cyber Essential Plus

The journey to Cyber Essentials Plus certification is essential, as it is marked by stringent security measures being implemented. By harnessing the power of technology, organisations can streamline the compliance process, enhance their security posture, and, ultimately, protect their digital assets. 

As cyber threats continue to grow, investing in technological solutions is not just a matter of compliance but a necessary strategy for business resilience and growth.

With the right technology and a proactive approach, achieving and maintaining Cyber Essentials Plus certification becomes possible and a valuable asset for any organisation.

For more information on how to achieve or renew CE+ certification, contact Dale Shubrook via


  1. * Cyber Essentials Certificates: "NCSC Annual Review 2023," National Cyber Security Council.
  2. ** Cost of a data breach: "Cost of a Data Breach Report 2024," IBM.