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Land Securities Group PLC

Protecting a portfolio of 32 properties from cyber attacks


Real Estate

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The challenge

Landsec knew that OT and IoT attacks were rising (from 32m in 2018 to 112m in 2022) and that commercial buildings were on the hit list. Landsec’s portfolio includes many high-value, high-rent properties, and tenants demand uninterrupted access and services.

The mammoth task involved updating systems, networks, critical devices, patches, and firmware in accordance with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) framework. Hundreds of network infrastructure and firewall changes, including on OT devices such as CCTV and access controls, were also required.

Each property had a unique infrastructure and many different service and vendor partners. It was critical that OryxAlign collaborated with each partner vendor to ensure they integrated with the new upgraded and enhanced security framework.

The solution

Vulnerability scanning across Landsec’s network revealed inherent problems. A team of 12 engineers and project managers used this data to prioritise actions and address issues systematically.

Aligning to NIST included onboarding machines into a centralised platform and delivering improved management, remediation, and overall security.

New technologies enabled improved efficiency and effectiveness of data recovery, which proved its value within days following the failure of critical patches, leading to the urgent requirement for data recovery.

Coordination of work packages with 45 service partners across the UK was challenging. This was overcome through a combination of effective programme management, accurate execution, OryxAlign successfully resolved 400+ critical issues, significantly reducing the cyber risks associated with Landsec’s infrastructure across its portfolio of commercial property.

Technical and operational staff at the sites received training, equipping them with the knowledge to effectively maintain and manage the new security processes. Landsec also took the initiative and invited OryxAlign to conduct additional cyber awareness sessions for all staff.

Post-implementation, all new devices discovered were added to OryxAlign’s managed IT services framework, including the new cyber security platforms. These are now managed by OryxAlign’s NOC team.

The benefits

OryxAlign successfully resolved 400+ critical issues, significantly reducing the cyber risks associated with Landsec’s infrastructure across its portfolio of commercial property.

Key numbers:
• Our teams delivered work at 32 locations across the UK
• Engaged with 45 service partners as part of the project
771 network and infrastructure changes were processed through ITIL change control
• Onboarded 600+ devices (endpoints) into our managed IT service
• Resolved 281 cyber vulnerabilities

The project increased Landsec’s operations to NIST (Level 2), aligning with a recognised cyber security standard. This greatly enhanced Landsec’s reputation for best-practice cyber security within the commercial property sector.

The enhancements and new infrastructure has set a strong foundation for renewing Landsec’s ISO 27001 certification, making future certification processes smoother and less costly.

OryxAlign’s lead programme manager, Isabella Nagel, was recognised for her achievements on this project in Landsec’s ‘Aspire’ Magazine. Isabella was featured on the front cover under the headline ‘Recognising Excellence’.

"The OryxAlign team demonstrated a true commitment to the project, collaborating with other contractors and suppliers to achieve success. The expertise of their onsite engineers shone through, and their project management was exceptional. A potentially challenging program ran very smoothly due to OryxAlign’s professionalism."
Landsec - Angela Flight, Senior Programme Manager